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A Manifold Dwelling: How Gemma Anderson-Tempini Built a Higher Spatial Home
Installation artist Gemma Anderson-Tempini has incorporated Froebel Gifts into her latest installation project at Barton Grange, Leeds, entitled And She Build a Crooked House. Dr Mark Blacklock explores the installation within an historical context.
Friedrich Froebel A Critical Introduction to Key Themes and Debates
Just published in paperback, the latest book from Prof. Tina Bruce considers the origins of Froebelian early childhood education and explores the relevance of Froebelian practice today
THE CHILDREN'S FOREST: Stories & songs, wild food, crafts & celebrations all year round
If Froebel had written a book for children and teachers about forest lore, then this would be it. Celebrating the Froebelian philosophy of learning by doing, this book weaves together direct experience in nature with the richness of the imagination.
'Right from the Start: Play, relationships and learning' inaugural lecture of the Froebel Trust.
The Froebel Trust's inaugural lecture given by Professor of Play, Paul Ramchandani, at the British Institute of Architects, London, on 17 October 2018.