Did you study at Froebel College, Roehampton, at any time up to 1980? Were you awarded a Certificate in Education (Cert Ed)?
Then CONGRATULATIONS!! The University of Roehampton has decided to award all former Froebel Students who obtained a Cert.Ed. before 1980 with an Honorary Degree, in recognition of the work required to gain this certificate and subsequent services to education.
The Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary Degrees will be held in the Royal Festival Hall, London, on Monday 15th May, Professor Paul O'Prey, Vice Chancellor of the University of Roehampton will preside. The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Royal Festival Hall, each College will host its own reception. The Honorary degree is being awarded to Digby, Whitelands and Southlands Cert.Ed. alumni as well.
Full details are on the attached invitation. PLEASE, PLEASE circulate this email and attachment to anyone you think it may apply to, or you think may be in contact with former Froebel trained teachers.
This is a lovely gesture by the University and I do hope as many Froebel Cert.Ed.'s as possible can be contacted.
Here's the full details from University of Roehampton Alumni Department:
Dear Member of College
On 15th May 2017 the University of Roehampton is hosting an Honorary Degree Ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall. All former students from Digby Stuart, Froebel, Southlands and Whitelands Colleges, who were awarded a Certificate in Education before 1980, are invited to receive an Honorary Degree in recognition of the work required to gain this certificate and subsequent services to education.
Eligibility: If you left College with a Certificate in Education (Cert Ed) as opposed to a Bachelor of Education (B Ed) you are eligible to be awarded an honorary degree. If you gained further qualifications from other Colleges, this does not preclude you from receiving an honorary degree.
The Ceremony: The Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary Degrees will be held in the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank, London, SE1 8XX on Monday 15th May at 11.00 a.m. and last about 75 minutes. The Very Revd Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster and Professor Paul O'Prey, Vice Chancellor of the University of Roehampton will preside.
The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Royal Festival Hall; each College will host its own reception. During the ceremony you will be seated with your College year group, although certain disabilities may prevent this.
You will not be required to walk across the stage and you will collect your Honorary Degree Certificate at the reception.
Unable to attend the ceremony: If you are unable to attend the ceremony but wish to receive the Certificate please see 'Receiving your Certificate by post' below.
Booking a ticket for the ceremony: Tickets are £30 each, this includes light refreshments and drinks at the reception. Booking opens on Tuesday 21st February and will close on Friday 24th March. Tickets are sold through Ede and Ravenscroft, our graduation partner. To book a ticket please log on to
Select Institution: enter Roehampton University - then press: Find Then press: Submit
You will then be able to purchase your ticket. You will also be able to hire your graduation robe, which is optional. If you choose to hire a robe the maximum hire fee will be £55.
Tickets to the ceremony will be posted to you at the end of April. If you reside outside of the UK please contact gilly.king@roehampton.ac.uk to arrange ticket collection.
Guest Tickets: It is our priority that all alumni wishing to attend the ceremony are able to. Therefore, at this time, we are unable to offer guest tickets. If you have a registered carer they will, of course be welcome to accompany you to the ceremony.
Disabilities: If you have special requirements, a disability or a registered carer please contact Gilly King gilly.king@roehampton.ac.uk 020 8392 3514.
Will guest tickets become available? If the venue has not reached capacity by 24th March we will open booking for guest tickets in late March. A message will be posted on our website www.roehampton. ac.uk/alumni/events/ saying that booking is open for guests. We will be using this webpage to update information regarding the ceremony so we suggest that you do refer to it from time to time.
Receiving your Certificate by post: If you are unable to attend the ceremony but wish to receive an Honorary Degree Certificate we will send it to you. Your name will be included in the ceremony programme and your certificate and a programme will be sent, free of charge, after the ceremony on 15th May.
Please send the following details to gilly.king@roehampton.ac.uk :
COLLEGE: Froebel/Digby Stuart/Whitelands/Southlands
YEAR LEFT COLLEGE: This must be before 1980 (when Cert Eds were withdrawn)
CERTIFICATE NAME: full name that you want on the certificate, this can be your maiden name or married name
POSTAL ADDRESS: including current name if different from the one you are using on the certificate
Contacting alumni: We apologise if you have received this communication twice but we hope it is better to receive it twice than not at all. We are making best endeavours to contact all our alumni but we know that there are contact details that we do not have. If you know of anyone that is eligible to receive an Honorary Degree (i.e. if they left Froebel, Digby Stuart, Southlands or Whitelands College with a Cert Ed as opposed to a B Ed) please pass this information on to them.
The University is looking forward to welcoming you to the ceremony or providing you with your certificate. Congratulations to the Honorary Class of 2017.
Yours sincerely
Gilly King (Mrs)
On behalf of the University of Roehampton Alumni Department