The Froebel Trust is producing a series of pamphlets focussing on various themes closely associated with Froebelian practice today.

The pamphlets, written by experts in their field, are an accessible e-resource for those supporting children 0-8.

The pamphlets are available to download from the Froebel Trust website. Click the link for the FT website.

A Froebelian Approach

Outdoor Play and Exploration

by Helen Tovey

A Froebelian Approach 

Exploring Clay

By Dr Lucy Parker

A Froebelian Approach

Froebel's principles and practice today

by Helen Tovey

A Froebelian Approach

Cooking with young children

by Ann Denton and Lucy Parker

A Froebelian Approach

Songs, rhymes and finger plays

by Jane Dyke

A Froebelian Approach

Froebel's gifts and block play today

by Jane Whinnett MBE

A Froebelian Approach

The wonder of woodwork
by  Pete Moorhouse

A Froebelian Approach

Observing young children
by Stella Louis


The Froebelian Occupation of Woodwork: a symbolic language of shape, form and space

By Pete Moorhouse

The importance of play for learning
Insights from Friedrich Froebel 

by Dr Stella Louis and Dr Sacha Powell

Childhood is a time for, well, childhood! It’s not a preparation for school or adulthood. It’s a time for allowing children to go at their own pace, giving them the time they need to explore, manipulate, discover, and practise newly acquired skills.